来源: 发布时间:2024-02-08
董小平研究员多年来一直致力于朊病毒病的流行病学和发病机理的研究,新发突发传染病的应急处置、流行病学研究及检测技术的开发,全球卫生治理合作。截至2023年12月,在英文同行评议英文杂志上发表SCI收录文章273篇(其中第一和通讯作者篇251篇),包括Lancet, Autophagy, Nat Commun, EMBO J, J Neurol Neurosurg Ps, Clin Infect Dis等。
(1)人朊病毒病流行特征和脑损伤分子机理研究 中华预防医学会科技进步奖(二等奖),2021年
(2)我国人朊病毒病疾病特征和朊病毒致中枢神经损伤机理研究 华夏医学科技进步奖(二等奖),2020年
1.Onwuamah CK, Feng N, Momoh AE, Uwandu M, Ahmed RA, Idigbe I, Vincent CD, Ogbu CA, Okonkwo N, Sokei J, Abimbola BS, Ojopagogo T, Okoli LC, Adesina M, Ezemelue PN, Sowunmi O, Okwuzu J, Labo?Popoola OH, Shaibu JO, Ohihoin GA, Nzeribe E, David A, Olaleye O, Ofotokun I, Dong XP, Ezechi OC. Prevalence and risk factors for high-risk human papillomavirus infection among women from three southern geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Front Oncol, 13:1254304
2.Fan Q, Wu YZ, Jia XX, A RH, Liu CM, Zhang WW, Chao ZY, Zhou DH, Wang Y, Chen J, Xiao K, Chen C, Shi Q, Dong XP. Increased Gal-3 mediates microglia activation and neuroinflammation via TREM2 signaling pathway in prion infection. ACS Chem Neurosci, 2023, 14:3772-3793
3.Chen DD, Shi Q, Liu X, Liang DL, Wu YZ, Fan Q, Xiao K, Chen C, Dong XP. Aberrant SENP1-SUMO-Sirt3 signaling causes the disturbances of mitochondrial deacetylation and oxidative phosphorylation in prion infected animal and cell models. ACS Chem Neurosci, 2023, 14:1610-
4.Xia Y, Chen C, Chen J, Hu C, Yang W, Wang L, Liu L, Gao LP, Wu YZ, Chen DD, Shi Q, Chen ZB, Dong XP. Enhanced M-CSF/CSF1R signaling closely associates with PrPSc accumulation in the scrapie infected cell line and the brains of scrapie infected experimental rodents. Mol Neurobiol, 2022, 59(10):6534-6551
5.Shi Q, Chen DD, Maimaitiming A, Xiao K, Gao LP, Yang XH, Wu YZ, Chen C, Dong XP. Global profiles of acetylated proteins in the brains of scrapie agents 139A- and ME7-infected mice collected at mid-early, mid-late and terminal stage. Biomed Environ Sci, 2022, 35(8):722-734
6.Shi Q, Chen C, Xiao K, Zhou W, Gao LP, Chen DD, Wu YZ, Wang Y, Hu Chao, Gao C, Dong XP. Genetic prion disease: insight of the features and experience of China National Surveillance for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Neurosci Bulletin, 2021, 37(11):1570-1582
7.Hu C, Chen C, Chen J, Xiao K, Wang J, Shi Q, Ma Y, Gao LP, Wu YZ, Liu L, Xia Y, Yan P, Maimaitiming A, Zhou DH, Zhang LN, Chen ZB, Dong XP. The low levels of nerve growth factor and its upstream regulatory kinases in prion infection is reversed by resveratrol. Neurosci Res, 2021, 162:52-62
8.Gao LP, Wu YZ, Xiao K, Yang XH, Chen DD, Shi Q, Dong XP. Generation and characterization of two strains of transgene mice expressing chimeric MiniSOG-MusPrP. J Neurosci Method, 2020, 341:108764
9.Maimaitiming A, Xiao K, Hu C, Chen J, Yang XH, Zhou DH, Gao LP, Dong XP, Shi Q. Aberrant decrease of the endogenous SIRT3 and increases of acetylated proteins in scrapie infected cell line SMB-S15 and in the brains of experimental mice. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2019, 10(10):4293-4302
10.Wang Z, Manca M, Foutz A, Camacho MV, Raymond GJ, Race B, Orru CD, Yuan J, Shen P, Li B, Lang Y, Dang J, Adornato A, Williams K, Maurer NR, Gambetti P, Xu B, Surewicz W, Petersen RB, Dong XP, Appleby BS, Caughey B, Cui L, Kong Q, Zou WQ. Early preclinical detection of prions in the skin of prion-infected animals. Nat Commun. 2019, 10:247.