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- Spleen tyrosine kinase inhibitor R406 has both antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects on severe influenza A infection(05-15)
- R229I substitution from oseltamivir induction in HA1 region significantly increased the fitness of a H7N9 virus bearing NA 292K(03-13)
- Reported human infections of H9N2 avian influenza virus in China in 2021(12-08)
- Evolution of Avian Influenza Virus (H3) with Spillover into Humans, China(06-30)
- Co-circulation, Co-infection of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Virus, where will it go?(04-22)
- Biological features of human influenza A(H3N8) viruses in China(03-13)
- 中国疾控中心成立20周年专题回忆:《上下求索,持以恒之》--流感专家郭元吉(03-08)
- Epidemiological and virological surveillance of influenza viruses in China during 2020–2021(11-30)
- Epidemiologic, Clinical, and Genetic Characteristics of Human Infections with Influenza A(H5N6) Viruses, China(07-30)